



发生的时候。 这样的事情曾经发生过一次。当我20多岁的时候,我的伴侣比我大5、6岁左右,而我还年轻,大学毕业后才刚刚踏入这个世界。申请贷款的老人有家庭、孩子和妻子。而且我一直单身,从未结过婚,也没有女朋友。这种情况下,那头的人很不愿意说什么,但…

Yuri's slightly persistent morality - debt and complaints

At work, that person was seen as popular, but on the other hand, I was seen as unreliable, and I still remember feeling very frustrated and sad about the gap between that and the reality. I am. At that time, I was swayed by the atmosphere …


本格派スパイ映画『レッド・スパロー』 とても身近なハニートラップ『セクストーション』被害に注意 皆様いつもご覧くださいまして誠にありがとうございます。 今回ご紹介します映画はハンガー・ゲームでおなじみのジェニファー・ローレンス主演、2018年公開…


男性社会心态 异装社会的心态 概括 非常感谢大家光临我们。 这次我想谈谈做男人或做女人的心态。 我认为每个异装的人都是不同的,但我想谈谈我作为男人时和我异装时的区别。 变装就是化妆、戴假发、穿女装,换句话说,可以称为乔装。伪装也可以意味着隐藏正…

Men's society mentality and cross-dressing society mentality

Men's society mentality The mentality of cross-dressing society summary Thank you very much for always watching. This time I would like to talk about the mentality of being a man or a cross-dresser. I think it's different for each person w…