


Yuri's slightly persistent morals: Thinking about why lying is wrong

A lie is the beginning of a thief A lie is an expedient means Thank you all very much for always watching. Today I would like to talk about why lying is wrong, from my own perspective. So, when do you all lie?I think these are the times wh…

Invisible prison inside an organization - Yuri's persistent and scary organizational theory

Collaboration is necessary in an organization No one in the organization will help you The invisible prison within the organization The length of your sentence in the invisible prison within your organization is up to you Discussion among …


ロボコップという映画 ロボコップのプラモデル&フィギア 皆様、いつもご覧くださいまして誠にありがとうございます。 今日ご紹介したい映画はこちら、『ロボコップ』です。 1987年〜1993年にシリーズ全3部作が公開されました。 近代のロボット映画史上、最高…